Bienvenue sur le site d’uPesy
Si vous êtes arrivé là, c’est sans doute que vous voulez découvrir ce qu’on fait, pourquoi on le fait, ou peut-être découvrir qui nous sommes. Pour satisfaire votre curiosité voici en quelques mots l’histoire d’uPesy.
A short story of uPesy
uPesy Electronics is a french company created in 2020 by Alexis. uPesy's founding principle is to help makers realize their DIY projects by offering its boards and electronic components with numerous tutorials. In a world where the vast majority of boards and electronic components used in DIY projects are designed and built in China and come with numerous (and rarely corrected) flaws and very few instructions.
Alexis has put his skills, passion, and energy to good use, creating high-quality boards designed and manufactured in France.
uPesy's products are upgraded versions of existing boards based on the maker community's reviews and expectations. Numerous tutorials are available to quickly get the hang of the boards and focus on the key aspects of your DIY projects.
Our Goal
uPesy's goal is to enable makers and tinkerers to have a good time while building their DIY projects. We accomplish this by designing boards that are quick and easy to set up, use, program, and debug. This helps minimize your frustration, as you won't need to spend hours trying to make your boards work.
You'll take pleasure in using uPesy's products and services to build your DIY projects.
To guarrantee a high level of quality in our electronic boards, uPesy has internalized the manufacturing process as much as possible with our long-term goal being to fully manufacture the boards in uPesy's factory in France.
Who is behind uPesy ?
Behind uPesy, there is Alexis Davidian.

Hi 🙂, I'm Alexis uPesy Electronics's founder. I've been passionate about electronics and programming since I was a teenager. During my studies, I discovered the maker culture, the world of 3D printing and DIY projects. After a scientific preparatory class (a two-year undergraduate intensive course to prepare for nationwide competitive exams in science and engineering schools), I received engineering in electronic embedded systems at the l'ENSEA (Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l'Electronique et de ses Applications) .
After doing my own DIY projects with Arduino, Raspberry Pi and ESP32 boards I started crafting my own electronic boards. At first, I designed them exclusively for my personal use, but after witnessing the excellent reception my boards received thanks to the high quality I commercialized them under the uPesy brand so that fellow electronics enthusiasts could work with the finest tools .
By Maker for Maker
uPesy products are designed and developed with a maker spirit :
Design → Build → Test → Code → Start Over
As with any engineering project, the product is rarely perfect the first time. It is thanks to the feedback and suggestions made by users coupled with small series production that allow us to regularly offer improved versions of uPesy products.
Made in France: A long-term need
uPesy's goal to have its own assembly line goes beyond the current trend of the Made In France, it is a necessity to optimize our development time and allow us to offer a vast array of rapidly evolving components for prototyping .
Much like Sparkfun or Adafruit, uPesy intends to develop its own assembly line to ensure a strong product diversity in small and medium-scale production with highly competitive prices for makers, uPesy aspires to create its own micro-factory to manufacture electronic boards without having to use an external third-party. The current semi-conductor shortage has only strengthened our desire to control as much of the manufacturing process as possible.
Currently (May 2022), uPesy's boards are only partially built in France by uPesy ,thus the “Designed in France” written on the boards. Indeed, acquiring the necessary machines (Pick and Place) requires financial means that uPesy currently does not possess. The transition will occur over time.